It isn't fair.
That being said, and my heart being in a bit of a pain right now, I want to take this time to share with all of you a couple words of wisdom that I hold dearly.
I see and comprehend both the positive and negative consequences of situations, but the positive seems unrealistic and the negative is tangible, always. However, just as an optimist cannot be so oblivious that he believes negative consequences are not possible, I, a pessimist, cannot be so oblivious that I believe positive consequences are not possible, and that is where the following comes into play:
If you never give up, you never lose.
Think about it. If you try your best to achieve a goal, and it becomes so arduous you believe it no longer possible, and you give up - you lose. Simple as that. Even if the outcome you want is impossible, you should not give up. Does this sound like stubbornness? Sure. Does this make you persistent? Yeah. Does this make you a loser? Never.
Let's say you get so far and become so close to achieving your goal just to find out it is now completely impossible. You could give up and lose, or you could hang around and learn from it. The keyword there is "around," as opposed to "on." Hanging on will only bring further disappointment. Hanging around, you can look at the big picture, the entire situation, and you can learn from it, and to keep it close to you is to have something to refer to should you ever find yourself in a similar situation in the future.
Giving up is easy. Falling is easy. It takes real courage to pick yourself back up. Which brings me to my next few words of wisdom:
Bravery is doing something when you should be afraid. Courage is doing something when you know you are afraid.
It's true. Being courageous, at least to me, is one of the most respectable things one can be, way more than being brave. Being brave can also mean being stupid, jumping into a dangerous situation of any kind and ignoring any feelings of possible failure or fate. Being courageous is a different story. You have those feelings and you recognize the possibility of failure or fate, and even if it's lingering inside of you, you keep pushing forward. If you walk into a job interview bravely, you shut off your mind to any possible negativity and do what you need to do, and then if you fail, you aren't ready. It comes up behind you and it rips you apart.
If you walk into a job interview courageously, you are fully aware of the possibility of not getting the job, and even if that worries you, you do what you need to do. If you fail, your hands are already outstretched and ready to catch your body when it falls.
Never have 'no' in your heart.
Never. When you consider it, it becomes all too realistic. Trust me, I know this very well.
Let's put this into perspective; something totally cliche that hopefully all of us (males) can compare to: asking a girl on a date.
You're in the bathroom staring at your reflection in the mirror. You wipe at your face and exhale greatly. Inside, you're thinking: "Alright, this is it. It's going to go one of two ways, man. If she says yes, that's great, mission accomplished. If she says no, just prepare yourself. It's going to hurt."
Don't think like this. Don't ever think like this. Yes, understand that a no is a possibility, but understand it in your mind, not in your heart. Instead, think like this: "Alright, this is it. You're going to ask her out. You can and you will. Just say it from the heart; that way, nothing you say will be the wrong thing to say."
That's true, too. You think too much of how you word it and you're dead. There is nothing better than something said out of passion, not out of planning.
Now, I'm not saying to "not take 'no' for an answer." I am simply saying to not have 'no' as a possibility in your heart. Don't believe for a second that the answer will be no, just understand that it could be. Believe in yes.
I know, I got a little more "serious business" on you guys happens. It happens when certain things happen. I just hope you take all I've said in and consider it. I don't have anything else to add, so I'll end it here.
-David Wicks
Thursday, March 4, 2010
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